- 401(k) Plan
- 403(b) Plan
- 457 Plan
- adjusted gross income (AGI)
- adoption agreement
- adviser
- after-tax contributions
- aggressive growth fund
- annuity
- appreciation
- asset allocation
- asset transfer
- balanced fund
- before-tax contributions
- benchmark
- beneficiary
- bond fund
- commingling
- contrarian approach
- contribution
- country risk
- credit risk
- currency risk
- defined benefit plan
- defined contribution plan
- direct rollover
- distributions
- diversification
- emerging markets fund
- employee contribution
- Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA)
- employer matching contribution
- excess accumulation
- excess contribution
- fidelity bond
- fiduciary
- fixed-income fund
- forfeiture
- government bonds
- growth stock fund
- Guaranteed Investment Contract
- high-grade bond
- high-yield bond/high-yield fund
- income fund
- income/income dividend
- indexing
- Individual Retirement Account (IRA)
- inflation risk
- in-service withdrawal
- installment payments
- international fund
- Joint and 50% Survivor Annuity
- Keogh plan
- large-capitalization ("large-cap") stocks
- Life and Five Years Guaranteed Annuity
- Life and Ten (or Fifteen) Years Guaranteed Annuity
- lump sum distribution
- marginal tax rate
- market timing
- money market fund
- money purchase pension plan
- mutual fund
- nondeductible contribution
- nonqualified plan
- normal retirement age
- penalty tax
- pension plan
- periodic payments
- plan agreement
- premature distribution
- pretax contribution
- profit sharing plan
- qualified domestic relations order (QDRO)
- qualified retirement plan
- qualified total distribution
- recalculation method
- required minimum distribution (RMD)
- risk tolerance
- rollover
- rollover IRA
- Roth IRA
- Roth IRA conversion
- salary reduction agreement
- signature guarantee
- Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)
- sole proprietorship
- S&P 500 Index (Standard & Poor's 500 Index)
- standard deviation
- summary plan description (SPD)
- systematic withdrawal plan
- target benefit plan
- tax deferral
- tax-sheltered annuity
- termination distribution
- term life insurance
- thrift plan
- universal life insurance
- value stock fund
- vesting
- volatility
- whole life insurance
- withdrawal
- withholding